Monday, 22 April 2024
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LIKE (Spain)
Friday, 16 ©TRuL£G£πD® 1 LIKES
So the coach of true legend as finally decided that this season would be a great season for the team to promote.
This are few words from the manager of TRUE LEGEND
Bros jay Spain: this last season has not quite been easy for me and my team, we tried to finish in top 5 position in the league although we picked up late, before I could get the right players for the job it took like an endless time but I am greatful that I have the necessary players that I need for the job.
Moreover I have started to clear out some players which are not going to be useful and I have signed some new players like
THUNDER BOLT, E PAIN U, and STYLES , and this is just the tip of an ice berg the best are yet to come.
But so far it has been a nice season for us and we aim for the best, and this season will be different from other season we anticipate on promoting and since I and my team are putting effort I think we can achieve our goals.
So their u have it from the manager of TRUELEGEND so we hope for the best for their team.
I am Steve Harvey reporting from battle field arena